Horizontal Falls & Dampier Peninsula Tour ex Broome - Drive/Fly

Horizontal Falls & Dampier Peninsula Tour ex Broome - Drive/Fly
Desde AUD AU$0,00
  • Duração: 11 Horas (Aproximadamente)
  • Código de produto: CB-DF
Travel overland up the Dampier Peninsula through unique Kimberley landscape before visiting Cygnet Bay for a fascinating tour of Australia’s oldest pearl farm and Ardyaloon Aboriginal Community and their Aquaculture Hatchery. Two delicious meals include a hot breakfast and lunch of locally sourced barramundi served in either of the spectacular settings of Cygnet Bay or on our floating dining pontoon at the Horizontal Falls. Sections of the trip may be bumpy as some of the roads are unsealed. At booking, specify your preference to fly in the morning or afternoon based on availability. The same inclusions, meals, and activities are provided. Your comfort and safety are our priority, and our experienced pilots, skippers and local tour guides make sure you love every second.